Monday, March 9, 2009


Just wanted to post a little blurb about questions that I get asked from time to time;

Can I order online from your website? The answer is no. One of the reasons I opened the store was because I'd gotten so disgusted with ordering online because it seemed that the sizes from brand to brand and catalog to catalog were different, so I'd order pay shipping and handling, realize it didn't fit, pay shipping and handling AGAIN to send it back. At Bizzy B's you come in you see the style/cut/color of the merchandise you get to try it on and leave happy. So no there are no future plans to sell from the website....sorry!

Can I get a current copy of your catalog? Again the answer is no...BUT you can access the online catalogs of my suppliers Cherokee, Landau, Peaches, and Urbane through my web page, which you obviously know about because you can only access the blog from there! But in case you've forgotten it's These online catalogs are what I order from so what you see is what I see. If you find something and I don't have it in the store I will do everything I can to get it for you, however sometimes the catalogs have items that have already had their run through and are no longer available, I do apologize for that, but it unfortunately is out of my hands! I also want to stress that I will do all that I can to get an item for you, but this is not a JC Penny Catalog store, if someone starts to take advantage of this courtesy I will stop special ordering for that individual. I can't spend inventory dollars ordering everything someone sees on the web, and then either doesn't pick it up or changes their mind and then I'm left with a size or color/style/pattern I don't carry in the store, I just wanted to get that out there.

Do you ship orders? No I don't ship because frankly that would make me mail-order now wouldn't it?

What is your return policy? My return policy is like almost all other retail stores....if you have a receipt I will issue you a full refund in whatever form of payment you used. Which brings me to a point...if you pay with a credit card/debit card I have to put the purchase back on your card. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of that, but I get charged an outrageous fee every time I run a credit/debit card through my credit card machine. If a credit/debit purchase is returned and I put it back on the card I get those fees back, therefor I'm not loosing money on credit card purchases...I hope that make a little more sense. If you don't have a receipt you may either exchange the merchandise or I will gladly issue you a store credit, whichever you prefer.

What's the deal with the Scrubs Club Card? It's pretty simple actually for every purchase you make you get a bumble bee stamp on the back of the card and once it's full you may redeem it for twenty dollars off your next purchase. Now I'd like to take some time to explain that once the card is full you get $20 off your next purchase. I've had people want to know why they couldn't use it on that purchase... it's because you have to purchase the merchandise to get credit on the punch card.... you don't get credit for what your going to purchase it's for what you have already purchased that you get credit for. While I'm on this note the punch card may not be used with any other discounts or promotions. It says that right on the card, so you can't use it with the HyVee 20% off register coupon, or when we have a sale, you can use it instead of a promotion or discount if you would like, but not in conjunction. You may use it with a store gift certificate, because a certificate issued by the store is just like cash, so yes you can combine those two. Also if you make a purchase that fills up your card, if you would like to go and select another item and use it right away, you may do that also, it just has to be two separate purchases.

I hope that clears some things up. If you have a question that I haven't addressed here email me at and I will answer your question!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Double Punch Thursdays.....

Just wanted to post a little blurb about a new promotion I'm implementing this month. Starting March 1st every last Thursday of the month will be "double punch day". Bring in your Scrub Club card on the last Thursday of the month and every purchase you make that day will be doubled! If you spend $20 that day you get $40 worth of punches!! It's pretty simple but with the economy they way it is every little bit helps so make sure you stop in !!!!!