Monday, December 29, 2008


Hello Hello Bizzy B Scrubs friends! I just thought that this might be a more casual, way of getting info to my faithful customers! I was doing the "newsletter" thing but as you can tell by my last letter in August I didn't keep up with it very well!! I'm sure everyone can sympathize with me when I say the newsletter thing is a good idea for the right venue, holidays, schools, family reunions etc. but the format didn't quite work for me and what I was trying to get out to you guys!! And I have to be honest there were months where not much was going on, and I couldn't fill a page, even when I used the biggest font available!! I've used for my personal use to keep my family living in other states up to date on the going ons in my family, so I though I'd start one for my other "family"! Be sure to check here for upcoming sales information, events happening here in Clinton, and just general scrub information. I'll be able to download photos, which I really couldn't do in my newsletter, and you can see new things coming into the store, events here in the downtown, and maybe an occasional customer photo or two!! Maybe I'll spotlight a particular item or brand, if I think it's got something neat to offer, or just because I think it's neat!! I may from time to time just get on here to ramble about common everyday things, and feel free to comment I'll check them as often as I can.Leave comments, but if you have questions please email me because I check my email every morning, sometimes throughout the day, and you have a better chance of getting a quick response through the email than through here. Hopefully this will be a fun thing and a way yo communicate things QUICKER since I'm not the "web-master" of my web page I rely on a third party to download things to my web page I just don't have the knowledge or time, with this you can click and get the latest and greatest! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and here's to a bright new year!!! Becci

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