Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're on Facebook!!

Yes it's true I'm finally getting the hang of all the new social networking that's out there!! If you're on Facebook please join the Bizzy B Scrubs "group". I just created it yesterday and we've already got 14 members YEAH!!!! If you don't have a Facebook account it's easy to create one just go to www.facebook.com and start setting up your profile. Once you join the BBS group you'll start receiving updates from me about sales, new items, events going on downtown, or just general ramblings about the store!

I've also decided to take over the empty store window next to mine...I'm tired of it being empty. I've got some really neat ideas for the window, some kinda "funky" New York inspired window displays that I hope will turn out in reality as good as they look in my head!!! I'll post pictures as the windows start to come together, and please post comments or ideas! The first window should be up and running no later than the first weekend in March. I plan on showcasing the Peaches MedCouture BioSmart lab coats. BioSmart is a patent-pending technology that binds chlorine bleach to fabric to harness chlorine's effectiveness against staph, E.Coli, and Hep A, and prevents fabric contamination. Studies have shown that doctors and nurses are the biggest carriers of these bacteria, and as they go from patient room to patient room they carry these germs on their clothes. Who knew?!?! So stop by and check out the window as well as the coats!!!

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