Saturday, July 18, 2009



September 19, 2009 form 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM the Downtown Partnership is having it's first annual Fall Festival on Fifth! It will be in the three hundred block of downtown Fifth Avenue here in Clinton, and will feature games and activities for the kids, a petting zoo, Guitar Hero contest, food vendors, chili cook off, pie eating contest and Arts/Craft vendors. Think Lyons Art Fair meets kids ice cream social! It will be tons and tons of fun!! But we need more Art/Craft vendors!! If you or someone you know is a vendor and would be interested in participating please email me and I will send you an application. The application will be up on the Downtown Partnership web page, but as of today it is not so I don't have a link for the application yet. However I do have a copy saved here on my computer so if you email me I can email it to you! Booth space is 10x10 for $50 without power access and $75 with power access. If you need two spaces we can accommodate that too, just request two spots on the application. Set up begins at 8:00 AM with tear down after the fair is over at 4:00 PM. We are looking for all kinds of vendors, jewelry, painting, pottery, homemade bath an body products, sculptures, stained glass, wind chimes made out of beer cans! quilts, soda cap art, pre-made scrapbook pages, anything and everything! SO again if you or some one you know would like to be a vendor at the fair PLEASE email me

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