Saturday, April 10, 2010

Window inspiration....

Every time I do a new window display, I get asked what inspires me. Today I would like to shine a light on of my biggest inspirations, and her name is Corrina!
Corrina has a shop on, her seller name is Piddx, and she sells some of THE most amazing images you could ever hope to find. I have to admit I originally started buying her collage sheets for jewelry making purposes, but the images were so fantastic I decided to use them in advertising and window displays for the store! The "mod" circles in the first two pictures are from a collage sheet of forty-eight individual one inch mod flower circles. I just picked one, re-sized it printed a ba-zillion (it's a real number you know) of them out , cut and ta-da! Mod flower wall decor!

(Mod Spring Flower #612)

My latest window display was created entirely around the Koi fish from Corrina's Japanese Koi Fish #321! Summer is coming and we've been blessed with these beautiful warm sunny days, I wanted to do a window to show that, in a quirky sort of way. I was browsing the Piddx store and there they were... a sheet of eight different Koi fish!

Now I must say this... I tend to do things the difficult way...always have. If I need to get the mail from the mailbox in front of my house, I'll go out the back door, down the alley and around the block! I blew these fish up in size, cut them out individually, they are two sided so I cut two per fish and then glued them together! I took me about two weeks to cut and glue them together. I'm sure there is a much easier way to have accomplished this , but..... that just wouldn't be me! Anyway! the fish turned out so well that I made some for the lady next door for her to hang up in her twin grandsons bedroom!
If you need images for scrap booking, jewelry,craft projects, anything you can think of, Corrina's shop is where you need to be!

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, amazing, talented, creative, and did I say awesome. Love what you've done. Those fish are amazing. Thanks so much for the shout-out, too.
