Friday, May 29, 2009


I just wanted to post a few quick things here.....

Number one: if you're on Facebook PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the Bizzy B Scrubs "group". I'm on Facebook everyday and find it's easier to alert the group to things that are coming up through there. So if you are on there just look me up and join, you'll get reminders about sales and events, heck I was even brave enough to post a video on there about new summer items!! So join it's super easy and super convenient!!
Number two: Bizzy B Scrubs is also on Twitter...I've posted a message before about this, but again it's so easy to sign up for, and what I think is the coolest thing you can sign up to "follow" BBS on your cell phone! Now why I think that is too cool is, if you're like me and you don't check your Facebook account often (oh who am I kidding I'm on there EVERY day!!), but say you're not like me and not glued to the internet and don't get the reminders and updates through FB if you follow me on Twitter on your cell phone you'll get real time messages sent to your phone as a text! So the minute I text "we just got new Katherine Heigel scrubs in" and hit post... it comes up on your phone! Now I will promise you right here and now that I will not be like some of the other "Tweeters" out there who post things like "Hey...I'm bored...just eating a grilled cheese." NO I will not be posting stuff like that!!! I will only post things I think you would be interested in like sales reminders,and event reminders, you have my promise!!
Number three: So sign up for both RIGHT NOW between this blog, Facebook, Twitter, and the snail mail there is no way anyone should miss a sale or event again, so join the groups get your friends to join, and have their friends's a new multi-media revolution!!! Becci

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