Friday, May 29, 2009


You know I haven't gotten this whole blog "thing" down yet! I can't seem to get my pictures to download in a nice orderly fashion when I post them and when I type it looks great but when I post it to the blog the words get all chopped up.....I wonder why that is?!? SO ANYWAY here are some pictures from the window display I did for Mothers Day. Hopefully a lot of you had the opportunity to come by and see it in person. I had friends and family send me pictures of the "moms" in their lives and I blew them up into 8x10 pictures and plastered them all over my window. I think it turned out GREAT! I got some really fantastic black and white pictures form the early thirties and forties, and my mom graciously let me put her picture with me as a baby from the seventies up LOVE YA MOM!!! I enjoyed doing it and I think people enjoyed it too...there were several times I'd drive by or be walking in to open the store, and people would be stopped in front of the window looking, I think they got a kick out of it! I'll post pictures of the newest window installation, I think it turned out good too!! I'm also open to suggestions for ideas for windows. They don't have to be scrub related, you'll see that with the newest window and with the one I have in mind for the Ballons In June Downtown Night Glow (June 25th 6-9 sale info to follow, and Coupe DeVille will be playing that night!!! Mark your calenders!) So if you haven't yet, stop by check out the windows, and tell me what you think ! Becci

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